Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Date: March 11, 2010 9:29:33 PM
Subject: KMail Update March 11, 2010

Back in June, we received a diagnosis that Zachariah was on the autism spectrum. Specifically, he was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified), a term for those on the spectrum who don't exhibit all of the symptoms of autism. We received this diagnosis a few days before we were due to leave the States and return to the Middle East. After making a quick trip to the local Barnes and Noble where we were stayingin the US and consulting with some friends who've walked through and out the other side of their own son's autism diagnosis, we returned home armed with some information and determined to do what we could to see Zachariah completely healed. 

As we got back to Jordan and moved into our new house, we began to make some changes in his diet and began to do some other types of therapy. Now, five months since his diagnosis, we've seen some improvement. He's able to put together more sentences and make himself understood. He's much calmer in his behavior and his sleeping is better. We're thankful for all this, of course, but there's still a long ways to go, and the window of time for the most effective treatment for him is now.  

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